Mastering the Art of Storytelling: Influence and Lead with Impact

What you say depends on how you say it.

Storytelling in the olden days used to be a career. People who could make an impact with the way they spoke would roam town to town and tell stories. Young and old, from near and far would come to listen to them, sitting with rapt attention and awe.

It’s a more subtle career now, guised under many names – marketing, entrepreneurship, public speaking. The real art is not lost on us, however, there has been a shift in the talent due to the changing times. Gone are the days of storytellers roaming the cities, now we can do that in the comfort of our own home. Professionals have had to learn to master different styles to suit the digital age and different people.

Let’s master storytelling today, and influence people with your thoughts and opinions.

Hook Your Audience

You have 30 seconds to grab your audience’s attention – start with the most impactful (or mysterious) opening line you have. Have them sit up straight. Use your tone, your voice and your words – you are the Maestro, the audience is your orchestra.

Own the Stage

It doesn’t matter whether you’re walking across the stage or sitting in front of the screen while narrating, the spotlight is on you. Make use of the space you have and with some gestures and expressions, really bring out the emotion in your story.

Structure and Composition

 The plot is a powerful driver of any story. Begin your story with an introduction – set the context, bring the characters to life and describe the setting. Then, build up the tension, give in some details about the problem, hero, teamwork (read our blog on story writing to find out more about elements of a story). In your conclusion, add a twist or reveal the solution. This structure brings your story together comprehensively. 

Incorporate Dramatic Language and Humour

Like a magician uses props, use personal anecdotes and figures of speech to add style to your storytelling. Develop your own way of speech – modulate your voice, use humour and emote – to connect with your audience. Keep them on the edge of their seats!

Remember: Storytelling is Interactive

I remember listening to recorded stories with the cassette player glued to my ear. Every high and low would bring goosebumps, and I would share the storyteller’s emotions with much conviction. Storytelling is a conversation with you and your listener: the impact of your words is seen in their reaction. It’s a beautiful dance of communication and comprehension, so make it worth their while. 

Storytelling is Leadership

Every great leader’s journey has started with a story, and the story they tell their followers is what keeps them going. “I have a dream.”, said Martin Luther King Jr., and transformed the thinking of millions of people across the world. Read this article about how storytelling is the cornerstone of persuasion.

In this world of engagement and mystery, the day you master storytelling is the day you become a leader. People will follow, like children followed the Pied Piper. It can make or break your leadership, so use this talent wisely! I would like you leave you with a quote to ponder over:

“Story, as it turns out, was crucial to our evolution — more so than opposable thumbs. Opposable thumbs let us hang on; story told us what to hang on to.”

– Lisa Cron

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